Therapy Talks, LLC
Therapy Talks, LLC
Tony DiCenzo​ MA, LMFT
Tony DiCenzo​ MA, LMFT
When is enough?
When is enough?
When pain lingers long enough or becomes greater than our ability to keep pushing through, we finally become willing to do whatever it takes to feel relief. Psychological and emotional distress affects our sleep, eating behaviors, our relationships, use of alcohol or other drugs, our well-being, and our ability to function. We're often left with fear, anger, anxiety, frustration, confusion, depression, self-doubt, hopelessness, and even total despair. Therapy offers relief from mental and emotional distress. We explore what's causing the pain, and we create new patterns of behavior that bring better experiences, better days, better relationships, and better control in our lives. Is there pain, anger, conflict, self-doubt, or confusion in your life or relationships? Pain is inevitable. Misery is optional. Talk with us at Therapy Talks.